Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Advent Calendar Day 15

Window #15

Christmas Concerts have always been a key part of celebrating the holidays. During the Providence and Boston years we tried to never miss the Boston Camerata's Christmas concert. And of course since Bob started singing with choral groups in New Jersey and then with Musica Sacra in Cambridge (Massachusetts), we always attended his concerts. That was a wonderful way to introduce Megan and Susan to concerts when they were quite young because it was exciting to see Daddy on stage. Megan was old enough to hand out programmes too. Later our favourite family Christmas event was the Revels in Sanders Theatre at Harvard, especially dancing to the Lord of the Dance in Memorial Hall's giant foyer. 

I certainly miss the Revels, but the cornucopia of holiday concerts in London is unbelievable. Tonight was Joglaresa singing In Hoary Winter's Night, early carols and holiday songs from (mostly) the British Isles. In tonight's window their instruments are set out pre-concert on the stage at King's Place. Belinda Sykes, director of Joglaresa, is a huge fan of the late John Fleagle who sang with both the Boston Camerata and with the Revels. The programme included two of John Fleagle's settings of medieval songs, so that was a lovely reminder of where we came from. Bob couldn't come tonight because of an office party event, so I invited my friend Ann who is a great music lover, and actually raised a string trio/quartet of musicians. A few years ago one of her daughters had us in stitches telling us about playing on the streets of Washington, D.C., where they lived, for pocket money. And how they hit the jackpot playing at the ferry landing on Nantucket one summer, raising enough cash to attend a  music camp in England. Ann loved the concert, so Joglaresa has a new fan. 

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